CholangioConnect creates personalised connections that enable one-on-one support among cholangiocarcinoma fighters, survivors, and caregivers



CholangioConnect creates personalised connections that enable one-on-one support among cholangiocarcinoma fighters, survivors, and caregivers.

This peer-to-peer connection platform helps anyone touched by cholangiocarcinoma, at any stage on their journey, find a mentor to ask questions and get support from someone who has personal experience with the disease.

Please contact Mandy Wallace to get started.

Request Support

CholangioConnect exists to inspire hope and offers cholangiocarcinoma patients or caregivers the opportunity to ask questions and receive support from someone familiar with cholangiocarcinoma.

CholangioConnect also has a group of volunteers who have lost a loved one to cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) and are willing to offer support to others who have had a similar loss.

A diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) can be both stressful and confusing. Mentors can help callers through this difficult period.

Volunteers are cholangiocarcinoma survivors, current patients, caregivers, family members or friends of a cholangiocarcinoma patient.

If you would like to be connected, please provide us your contact information by clicking the REQUEST A MENTOR button below. The Program Manager will respond to your request by emailing you a profile questionnaire to get an idea of your personal experience with cholangiocarcinoma. All information will be kept confidential.

Once you return the questionnaire, the Program Manager will connect you with a mentor from our network who shares a profile similar to yours. Mentors will make the initial contact with the patient or caregiver and begin discussions either over the phone or through email.

If you are contacting CholangioConnect for a friend or family member, please ensure you have received permission from the patient or caregiver prior to contacting us on his/her behalf.

CholangioConnect is comprised of patients, caregivers, and mentors experienced in cholangiocarcinoma. Through CholangioConnect, patients have the opportunity of connecting with other patients and caregivers with similar circumstances.

The service is free. The program is not intended to give medical advice.

What is CholangioConnect?

CholangioConnect offers patients, caregivers, family members, and friends the opportunity to ask questions and receive support from mentors who volunteer.

Who are the mentors?

A diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) can be both stressful and confusing.  Mentors volunteer their time to help callers.  Volunteers are cholangiocarcinoma survivors, patients, caregivers, family members, or friends of a cholangiocarcinoma patient.

Do mentors give medical advice?

Mentors may share their personal diagnoses and treatment experiences if asked by a caller. However, the volunteers will not give medical advice or assist patients in contacting medical professionals.

Information shared between mentors and patients concerning treatments, medications or therapies should be discussed with a physician.

My loved one passed away.  Can I still be a mentor?

Our mission of supporting the cholangiocarcinoma community does not stop when patients lose their battle with this disease.  CholangioConnect has a group of volunteers who have lost a loved one to cholangiocarcinoma and are willing to offer support.

How does CholangioConnect work?

Patients or caregivers request a mentor by completing a questionnaire on the CholangioConnect web page.

The Program Manager will respond to requests, then begin the process of connecting patients with a mentor experienced in cholangiocarcinoma who shares a similar profile.

Once you return the questionnaire, the Program Manager will arrange for a telephone or video conference call with you.

Will my personal information remain confidential?


I’d like to request a mentor.  What is the next step?

Please provide us with your contact information by clicking the REQUEST A MENTOR button below.

Become a Mentor

Do you have personal experience with cholangiocarcinoma as a patient or caregiver? You can become a mentor and join others from around the world to provide support, empathy, and understanding to people with cholangiocarcinoma. CholangioConnect exists to reassure cholangiocarcinoma patients and their caregivers they are not alone in their journey.

Our goal of supporting the community does not stop if patients lose their battle with this disease. CholangioConnect is also seeking volunteers who have lost a loved one to cholangiocarcinoma and are willing to offer support to others.

A diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) can be both stressful and confusing. Mentors help callers through this difficult period. Mentors are cholangiocarcinoma survivors, patients, caregivers, family members or friends of cholangiocarcinoma patients.

If you would like to be connected, please provide us your contact information by clicking the BECOME A MENTOR button below.

We will respond to your request within 48 hours by emailing you a profile questionnaire to get an idea of your personal experience with cholangiocarcinoma, your disease history, treatments and demographic information or those of your loved ones. We will strive to connect patients with mentors who share similar medical profiles. All information is kept confidential and is never shared with anyone except the CholangioConnect Program Manager.

Once you return the questionnaire we will email you a volunteer training manual and arrange for a personal telephone call or video conference with the Program Manager to welcome you to the program and to discuss your roles and responsibilities as a volunteer mentor.

If you are contacting CholangioConnect for a friend or family member, please ensure you have received authorization from the patient or caregiver prior to contacting us on their behalf.

CholangioConnect is comprised solely of patients, caregivers, and mentors experienced in cholangiocarcinoma. Through CholangioConnect, newly diagnosed patient caregivers have the best chance of connecting with other patients and caregivers with similar circumstances.

The service is free and is not intended to put people in contact with individuals who give medical advice or recommendations. Any information shared between mentors and patients concerning treatments, medications or therapies should be discussed with a physician.

We’re available to answer any of your questions.

Who are the mentors?

A diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) can be both stressful and confusing.  Mentors volunteer their time to help callers.  Volunteers are cholangiocarcinoma survivors, patients, caregivers, family members or friends of a cholangiocarcinoma patient.

Do mentors give medical advice?

Mentors may share their personal diagnosis and treatment experiences if asked by a caller. However, the volunteers will not give medical advice or assist patients in contacting medical professionals.

Information shared between mentors and patients concerning treatments, medications or therapies should be discussed with a physician.

My loved one passed away.  Can I still be a mentor?

Our mission of supporting the cholangiocarcinoma community does not stop when patients lose their battle with this disease.  CholangioConnect has a group of volunteers who have lost a loved one to cholangiocarcinoma and are willing to offer support.

How does CholangioConnect work?

Patients or caregivers request a mentor by completing a questionnaire on the CholangioConnect web page.

We will then connect that person with a mentor who shares a similar profile.  We will respond to requests, then begin the process of connecting patients with a mentor experienced in cholangiocarcinoma.

Will my personal information remain confidential?


I’d like to request a mentor.  What is the next step?

Please provide us your contact information by clicking here or the REQUEST A MENTOR button.

I’d like to volunteer as a mentor.  What is the next step?

Please provide us your contact information by clicking here or the BECOME A MENTOR button.  Complete the profile questionnaire to get an idea of your personal experience with cholangiocarcinoma.

Once you return the questionnaire, we will arrange for a telephone or video conference call with the Program Manager.

Become a Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Foundation.

After you complete this form, you will receive an email detailing the next steps in becoming a CCF volunteer. If at any point in the application process you would like to speak to our Volunteer Coordinator, please contact Mandy Wallace to help you with this